ADB PPTA Jilin Urban Environmental Improvement Project


ADB PPTA Jilin Urban Environmental Improvement Project



EASEN signed for the ADB PPTA Jilin Urban Environmental Improvement Project to assist in the  improvement of water supply, wastewater management, solid waste management and efficient central heating in the cities of Changchun and Yanji. The project enhanced the urban environment and improved public health and quality of life for urban residents in the aforementioned cities, by increasing wastewater coverage, enhancing solid waste management, improving the supply of potable water, and reducing air pollution.



Project components included:


  • Changchun city water supply, wastewater treatment and solid waste management
  • Yanji city water supply and wastewater treatment
  • Yanji city central heating system



The project also provided for institutional capacity building for effective management including:


  • Providing training to strengthen organizational structure and staff resources to implement, operate and maintain the project components
  • Strengthening management practices in human resources, finance, and corporate planning
  • Providing for managers and staff responsible for service delivery to ensure efficient implementation and sustainability of project benefits



EASEN provided the following services:


  • Preparation of a detailed work plan and formulation of a project design and monitoring framework that captures the multi-sector nature of an urban development investment project
  • Review and assess all relevant government urban and sector development plans, environmental policies, and the Feasibility Study Reports (FSRs) of all subprojects
  • Oversee the detailed peer review of FSRs
  • Prepare the project implementation schedule and detailed implementation arrangements
  • Ensure that cross-cutting concerns (resettlement, environment, poverty, social, gender, private sector development, and anti-corruption) are rigorously addressed at sub-project and project levels
  • Liaise and coordinate with the executing agency, steering committee, and ADB on project-related matters
  • Ensure the timely preparation of the inception, interim, draft final and final Project Preparation Technical Assistance (PPTA) reports and their submission to the Government and ADB
  • Provide guidance and support as required to all PPTA team members in all aspects of the study
  • Undertake project management activities, including preparation of periodic progress reports, budget management and reporting, control of PPTA funds, and liaison with ADB personnel
  • Analyze the current situation of water supply and wastewater management including its implications and impact on Changchun’s water resources and the government’s proposals for water supply and wastewater management
  • Conduct a peer review of domestic FSRs dealing with wastewater management and water supply
  • Review subproject costs considering costing approach, phasing of the project costs and where applicable unit costs and related physical quantities
  • Review and evaluate projections of water sales and production, and wastewater generation (volume and strength)
  • Comment on the reasonableness and suitability of projections for planning purposes and develop alternative projections as appropriate for the PPTA analysis
  • Consider industrial effluents and pretreatment requirements in assessing wastewater strength



This PPTA started in November 2006 and was finished in May 2007.