Wastewater Treatment System for Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park

Location: Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China


Year: September 2007


Capacity: 20000 m3/d


Process: Pre-physical & chemical treatment + biological contact oxidation


Project Description: The project included the design of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), construction service, and commissioning of a wastewater treatment system which collected and treated all wastewater from the industrial park. EASEN, in association with our local partner, China Tiesiju Engineering Group, completed this wastewater treatment system.


The wastewater was treated in order to meet reuse requirements. The effluent met the Class I Provincial Discharge Standards of Main Water Pollutants for the Chemical Industry (DB32/939-2006).



Please proceed to Water and Wastewater Treatment for more information, or enquire with us through any of our offices listed in the Contact Us section.