Easen International signed a contract with International Finance Corporation (IFC) in September 2020 to invest in a well-known Chinese environmental protection company (Guangzhou Qiaoyin Company) focused on solid waste treatment through green loans for due diligence.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is considering investing in a well-known Chinese environmental protection company (the "Company") focused on solid waste treatment through green loans. Green loans will be used for multiple green investments in the company's PPP projects. The International Finance Corporation will conduct due diligence (DD) on the company's Enterprise Management System (CMS) and conduct a detailed evaluation of projects that will use the proceeds of the International Finance Corporation's green loans. The purpose of this due diligence is to assess the technical and commercial risks of the proposed investment project by the International Finance Corporation. Our due diligence investigation aims to assess the financial and reputational risk levels that International Finance Corporation may face as a result of obtaining green loans from other business areas conducted by the company.
This project will conduct due diligence in the following two areas:
Part 1: Due diligence of the company will be conducted at the company's Guangzhou headquarters to assess the financial and reputational risk levels that may arise from the International Finance Corporation's investment in Qiao Yin, assuming that green loans are used for agreed business lines and investments. As far as we know, the company operates over 300 projects in 60 cities across 17 provinces in China, and has projects in five operational categories.
Part 2: Conduct due diligence on a batch of solid waste and sanitation projects in Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Henan and other regions.
The enterprise due diligence team needs to conduct a high-level due diligence assessment of the company's CMS and management capabilities, including risk management assessment. Our due diligence will include an assessment of our CMS capabilities to: (1) enable the company to effectively manage risks from a large and diverse range of operations and projects across China, and (2) manage risks for other companies. The due diligence of the company should include an evaluation of the investment in the management and reporting projects and operational categories, which are not included in the specific project due diligence in Part 2 (Urban and Rural Sanitation and Cleanliness) below. The required output will be a report on whether the company's CMS meets the performance standards of the International Finance Corporation, whether the selected business premises comply with Chinese regulations, and any warning signals that may damage the reputation of the International Finance Corporation due to its investment in the company, or increase the risk of the company defaulting on green loans.