World Bank Loan Ningbo New Countryside Development Project

World Bank Loan Ningbo New Countryside Development Project


In May 2011, EASEN began implementation of the Capacity Building and Implementation Support for Chunhu Town Infrastructure Development Component under the World Bank Loan Ningbo New Countryside Development Project for Fenghua City Investment Co., Ltd. (FCIC). This project will last approximately 4 years, ending in May 2015.

The Chunhu Town Infrastructure Development component aims to bring about closer ties between Chunhu Town, an important coastal town and urban center of the city, by improving the basic infrastructure and thereby tapping on the potential for development of the area.




The four components  of this project include the improvement of:

1. Chunhu-Fenghua Access Road
2. Chunhu-Fenghua Coastal Water Supply
3. Chunhu-Town Wastewater Management
4. Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

Consultants from EASEN will provide their service and expertise in the following areas:



  • Infrastructure design review: Review, evaluate, and comment on the design criteria, design principles and operational efficiency
  • Bid document review and bid evaluations
  • Review all technical portions of bid documents
  • Provide detailed comments, advice, guidance, and recommendations on correct procurement procedures
  • Project management and reporting: Establish a computerized project management information system
  • Contract management and monitoring: Monitor and evaluate the project, and review the procedures
  • Monitoring Safeguards Implementation: Monitor the overall implementation of environmental safeguards
  • Development of a Business Plan for FCIC
  • Development of a Training Plan and Implementation Support
  • Dissemination of Project Outputs

 This project started in May 2011 and will be completed in May 2015.